The Friends of Two Rivers organization (the Organization) is thrilled to share the many events and happenings of this beautiful antebellum home with members of our community via social networking sites such as Facebook. We invite you to share your experiences, pictures, memories and suggestions for The Friends of Two Rivers with the Organization through these channels. A few things to keep in mind when you interact with us on social media:

  • Two Rivers Mansion and Stone Hall are owned by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and is subject to all Metro Department of Parks and Recreation policies and guidelines. The Friends of Two Rivers was organized to protect, preserve, restore and promote the use of Two Rivers Mansion and Stone Hall in a manner that is consistent with the policies of the Metro Department of Parks and Recreation, as well as the Metro Historical Commission.
  • The comments or opinions shared by social media users on our channels are theirs alone and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Organization.
  • The Organization’s social media channels are moderated. This is not a public forum, and any comments that are deemed inappropriate are subject to removal by the Organization’s social media administrators. These comments include but are not limited to:
    • Comments that are obscene, graphic in nature or discriminatory.
    • Comments that are abusive, harassing or intend to defame an individual or the Organization.
    • Comments that endorse or oppose any elected official or person campaigning for an elected office, or are promoting/opposing any ballot proposition not specifically related to the promotion and preservation of Nashville’s historic landmarks.
    • Comments posted anonymously or with the intent to conceal the poster’s true identity.

We welcome your input. For specific questions, comments and feedback, please contact the appropriate Friends of Two Rivers representative listed on the Contact Us page of the Friends of Two Rivers website. The Organization reserves the right, at any time, to modify the guidelines listed above.